Summary of the lecture
Effects of Pornography on Human Behavior: The Current State of Research
Held at the EFS Congress in Berlin

July 1, 2000
by Erik Möller

This summary is intentionally kept short. A complete article on the effects of pornography is currently in peer review for a scientific journal. After its publication (or non-publication), it will be presented here.

Erik Möller

Erik Möller and Pornography

Further Structure:

Introduction to the Problem:

The Presidential Commission

The Prescott Research

Dr. Prescott's research is very important for understanding the pornography problem and the true origins of violence. I have tried to collect and preserve Dr. Prescott's work (with his permission). You can find it on this website (will open in new window).

After the Presidential Commission, several individual studies were conducted, perhaps some of the most importand ones by Neil Malamuth, Edward Donnerstein & their colleagues, and many others who conducted similar experiments with similar results.

The Donnerstein Experiments

The Meese Commission

Erotika und Pornographie

Bibliography from article in peer review (also covers lecture):

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